Living Well

Dysphagia: Causes and Implications

Dysphagia: Causes and Implications

Dysphagia is a condition where patients experience difficulties swallowing foods and fluids. Persistent dysphagia may have serious implications such as aspiration pneumonia resulting in death, if not properly treated.

Dysphagia: Causes and Implications

Dysphagia is a condition where patients experience difficulties swallowing foods and fluids. Persistent dysphagia may have serious implications such as aspiration pneumonia resulting in death, if not properly treated.

Types of Aspiration: Symptoms and Signs to Look Out For

Types of Aspiration: Symptoms and Signs to Look...

Aspiration is a condition when a person accidentally inhales an object or liquid into their windpipe. This often leads to coughing, discomfort and choking. In serious situations when the body...

Types of Aspiration: Symptoms and Signs to Look...

Aspiration is a condition when a person accidentally inhales an object or liquid into their windpipe. This often leads to coughing, discomfort and choking. In serious situations when the body...