Improving Swallowing: How Speech Therapy Can Make a Real Difference

Shen Yiru 0 条评论

Something that might not be dinner table conversation but is super important – dysphagia. It's that tricky condition where swallowing becomes a bit of a challenge, and trust us, it's something you wish to pay attention to. There are superheroes among us who are helping folks dealing with dysphagia to manage their swallowing difficulties.

GentleFoods® Innovations: New Trends in Puréed Cuisine for Enhanced Dining

Arun Raj 0 条评论

At GentleFoods®, we're more than just chefs - we're culinary pioneers. We understand the unique challenges faced by individuals with swallowing difficulties, and we're constantly pushing the boundaries of soft food for elderly to create delightful dining experiences. Let's delve into the latest trends in puréed cuisine and see how GentleFoods® stays at the...

Elderly Care: Tackling Issues Related to Increasing Age

Arun Raj 0 条评论

As we age, we'll often face a variety of situations that can impact our quality of life. There are many factors, such as our physical health, that can make aging a challenging process. However, with the right strategies and support, it's possible to enjoy a fulfilling life in your golden years. 

The Art and Science of Creating Appealing Puréed Meals

Arun Raj 0 条评论

Puréed meals are a great option for people with swallowing difficulties. However, creating visually appealing and delicious puréed meals is not an easy task. It requires a meticulous process that blends artistry and nutritional science. In this blog post, we will explore the process behind GentleFoods®' culinary creations.  The Process  GentleFoods®' culinary team starts...


Arun Raj 0 条评论

老年人是肌肉流失的弱势群体,但这也是许多老年人经常忽视的问题。根据当地的一项研究,65 岁以上的新加坡人中,有五分之一的肌肉质量较低,这种情况不仅限于营养不良的人群,而且在营养正常的老年人中也很高。跌倒风险增加、更容易感到疲劳、长期患病以及日常活动困难都是肌肉质量低的影响的一部分。虽然肌肉流失是衰老的一部分,但老年人可以通过适当的营养和体育活动来维持肌肉质量。这里有一些关于我们应该如何吃以及吃什么来保护肌肉的建议。 保证充足的能量摄入 消耗适量的卡路里对我们的健康至关重要。如果我们没有摄入足够的热量,我们的身体就会从肌肉和储存的脂肪中获取蛋白质来满足身体的需要。从长远来看,可能会导致肌肉流失。健康促进委员会估计,60岁以上的新加坡女性和男性每天需要的热量分别约为1,500大卡和1800大卡。此外,建议适度活动或患有某些疾病的老年人增加能量需求。不要只注重食物的数量,还要注重食物的质量。确保您拥有均衡、健康的饮食,包括全谷物、富含蛋白质的食物、水果和蔬菜。如果您食欲不振,请考虑少食多餐并全天候进食。豆浆、酸奶或鸡肉包等营养饮料和零食,或者强化膳食,例如在粥中添加一块芝麻油,都是增加额外热量的方法。 关注蛋白质的力量 蛋白质是肌肉的重要组成部分,因此需要足够的蛋白质来维持肌肉质量。专家建议,健康的老年人每天每公斤体重应摄入1.0-1.2克蛋白质,以防止肌肉流失。例如,一个体重60公斤的健康老年人每天需要60-72克蛋白质。 20克蛋白质的例子是1个手掌大小的肉或鱼、5只中等大小的虾或2杯豆浆。如果您定期锻炼或患有某些需要高蛋白质摄入量的疾病,则目标是每公斤体重至少摄入 1.2 克蛋白质。选择优质来源,包括动物蛋白(低脂牛奶、鸡蛋、鱼、虾、去皮家禽和瘦肉)和植物蛋白(大豆及其制品,如豆腐、豆豉、豆腐干等)。如果可能的话,在一天中均匀分配蛋白质摄入量,以最大限度地提高肌肉蛋白质的合成。 如果您不确定自己是否摄入了足够的能量和蛋白质,最好的方法是咨询营养师。